News & Features

What a police station attendance worth? Find out here with our complete list to the fees at all police stations in England & Wales...

If you need some advice or information take a look at our brand new police station reps legal wiki

This map shows you where the reps are! The interactive map rather neatly shows just how well we cover the UK. Police stations and reps are on this interactive map...

Escape Fees are not easy work out. But our Escape Fee Calculator makes it a quick and painless task. No more headaches. Work out what the rep and firm will earn with ease...

How much is your firm making? Every criminal firm is listed in our fascinating list which shows you just who is making what. Every criminal firm and how many cases they are covering.

The LAA are targeting claims for mileage and disbs. Its another stick to beat the firms with and save money but its aggressive. Boris will help you beat the buggers...

All reps deal with very sensitive personal information. Keeping data secure is what we do. But GDPR adds a few new layers so you need to get compliant...

When can you claim two fees? A comprehensive and easy guide for when job can attract two fees. Its not easy but it can be done!...

No Comment covers every Police Station, Every Day. Covering the whole UK 247 and 365 its the biggest police station rep agency in the UK.
Call now: 07534 533 070

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Mileage claims are getting tougher as the LAA tighten its belt. Get up to speed with our short guide to what you can and cannot get away with...

Legal Updates aimed at police station reps not the dull stuff you get in CPD talks. Just the stuff you will actually use every day ...

Do you want to be a rep? Becoming a police station rep is easier than you may think. You don't have to be a solicitor or have a degree. Our guide will show you how...

The Parliamentary Review is a government publication for industry leaders to discuss best practice. No Comment is delighted to have been included.

We now have a Facebook page so that we can keep in touch with reps and solicitors. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with our community...

We host articles by written by police station reps. They can be thought provoking and interesting and are well worth reading.